Economics and Policy Reading Group at Airbnb
February 26, 12:00 - 13:00 PST
March 23-25
DIW Berlin
Empirical IO Workshop
April 28-29
University of Bristol
Competition and Markets Authority
June 11
Airbnb and Rental Markets: Evidence from Berlin
Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 106, 104007
(joint with Tomaso Duso, Claus Michelsen, and Maximilian Schäfer)
[Older versions: DIW Discussion Paper 1890, Bristol Discussion Paper 21/746, CEPR DP16150, CESifo Working Paper No. 9089]
Non-academic publication (German): DIW Wochenbericht 7 / 2021; Press coverage (German): taz, heise online, Spiegel, n-tv; Podcast (German): Man lernt nie aus; TV (German): mex - das Marktmagazin (hr), Live nach Neun (ARD) (starts at minute 12:14)
We exploit the differential responses of Airbnb hosts to two distinct policy interventions in Berlin to shed light on the optimal design of policies targeting short-term rental platforms to mitigate rental market inflation. The first intervention, which affected commercial listings, significantly impacted long-term rental markets, unlike the second intervention, which mainly affected non-commercial listings. Leveraging these policy variations, we estimate the marginal impact of Airbnb on rental supply and rents. Each additional commercial Airbnb listing displaces 0.23 to 0.37 rental units and increases rent per square meter by 1.3 to 2.4 percent. This underscores the importance of targeting commercial listings when regulating short-term rental markets.
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Vol. 13(7), pages 509–515
(joint with Tomaso Duso, Claus Michelsen, and Maximilian Schäfer)
Do Laws Shape Attitudes? Evidence From Same-Sex Relationship Recognition Policies in Europe
European Economic Review, Vol. 124, 103399
(joint with Cevat G. Aksoy, Christopher S. Carpenter, and Ralph De Haas)
Understanding whether laws shape or simply reflect citizens’ attitudes is important but empirically difficult. We provide new evidence on this question by studying the relation between legal same-sex relationship recognition policies (SSRRPs) and attitudes toward sexual minorities in Europe. Using data from the European Social Surveys covering 2002–2016 and exploiting variation in the timing of SSRRPs across countries, we show that legal relationship recognition is associated with statistically significant improvements in attitudes toward sexual minorities. These effects are widespread across demographic groups but are consistently larger for more conservative groups in countries with less gender equality. Our results suggest that laws can exert a powerful influence in shaping societal attitudes.
Partitioned Pricing and Consumer Welfare
Partitioned pricing is a price obfuscation strategy in which the price is split into a base price and add-on fees. While empirical evidence suggests that partitioned pricing affects consumer decisions through salience effects, its consumer welfare consequences are largely unexplored. I provide a quantification of the welfare impact of partitioned pricing on eBay Germany. I employ a discrete choice model that jointly allows for behavioral reactions to marginal changes in the add-on fees as well as a discontinuous effect of a zero fee. I estimate the model parameters using web scraped data of posted price transactions on eBay Germany. The results suggest some under-reaction to marginal changes in the shipping fee and a discontinuous positive effect of free shipping on consumer demand. The combined impact of these effects on consumer welfare is not larger than six percent of consumer surplus.
Airbnb, Hotels, and Localized Competition
(joint with Maximilian Schäfer)
We analyze competition between hotels and Airbnb listings as well as the effect of Airbnb on consumer welfare, hotel profits, and Airbnb host surplus. For this purpose, we use granular daily-level data from Paris for the year 2017. We estimate a random coefficient logit model of demand. We extend prior research by accounting for the localized nature of competition within districts of the city. Our results suggest that demand is segmented by district as well as accommodation type. Based on these demand estimates, we estimate separate supply-side models for hotels and Airbnb, to account for differences in price setting we observe in the data. Using the estimated models, we assess how Airbnb affects hotel profits and consumer welfare and how much Airbnb hosts value the platform. Our simulations imply that Airbnb increases average consumer surplus and decreases hotel profits substantially. Airbnb hosts seem to value the platform moderately.
Value for Money and Selection: How Pricing Affects Airbnb Ratings
(joint with Christoph Carnehl, Maximilian Schäfer, and André Stenzel)
We study Airbnb hosts' strategic pricing incentives when prices affect ratings. Two channels determine the price-rating interaction: higher prices reduce the value for money, worsening ratings, but increase the taste-based valuation of travelers, improving ratings. The price further determines the frequency of rating updates through its effect on demand. Our empirical results show a dominant value-for-money effect and that hosts lower their prices to surpass rating thresholds. We provide evidence that hosts benefit from low entry prices: offering a median entry discount of seven percent improves medium-run monthly revenues by three percent.
Transparency of Add-On Fees on Peer-to-Peer Platforms: Evidence from Airbnb
(joint with Leonardo Madio, Michelangelo Rossi, and Mark J. Tremblay)
Non-academic publication (Italian):; Press coverage (German): Die Presse;
This paper investigates the impact of price transparency on equilibrium prices and fees by considering a policy change implemented by Airbnb that affected the transparency of cleaning fees for IP addresses from the European Union (EU). Using a difference-indifferences approach, we find a reduction in cleaning fees of 2-4%. Consistent with our theoretical framework, we also find that listings without a cleaning fee, something that is common on Airbnb, appear more affordable after the policy change and react by increasing their nightly price by 5-6%. We argue that this result is driven by some hosts learning about the full prices of their rivals due to the transparency policy, finding themselves more affordable. This analysis uncovers a new mechanism through which greater price transparency can lead to price increases.
2021 - Present
Industrial Economics (Final-year UG)
Unit Director from 2024
University of Bristol
2021 - Present
Markets and Competition (MSc)
[formerly Competitive Strategy]
Unit Director from 2022
University of Bristol
2019, 2022
Short Course on Web Scraping
Initially designed and taught jointly with Julian Harke
View on GitHub
DIW Berlin
Introduction to Web Scraping (Short course)
ifo Institute
2017, 2018
Preparatory Math Course (Ph.D. level)
Teaching Assistant in exercise sessions accompanying the lecture
DIW Berlin
Bachelorseminar Rechnungswesen (Bachelor's Thesis Seminar Accounting)
Supervised students in the seminar to prepare them for work on their Bachelor's thesis
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2010, 2012, 2013, 2014
Externes Rechnungswesen (Financial Accounting, undergraduate level)
Teaching Assistant in weekly exercise sessions accompanying the lecture
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Empirical IO, Digital Economy, Online Platforms
2020 - Present
Lecturer in Economics
School of Economics, University of Bristol
Ph.D. in Economics (Dr. rer. oec.)
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) joint with Technische Universität Berlin and Berlin School of Economics
Research Visit
Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley
Master of Science in Economics and Management Science
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin